Artikel, Did You Know It?

Bagaimana Cara Dunia Merayakan Pergantian Tahun?

Dalam hitungan jam, kita akan segera merayakan momen pergantian tahun. Momen tersebut sering direfleksikan sebagai momen yang tepat untuk mengoreksi diri dan membuat resolusi untuk tahun yang akan segera datang. Tapi pernahkah kita berpikir bagaimana asal-mula perayaan tahun baru dan tradisi-tradisi unik yang mewarnainya? Check it out! Sejarah perayaan “Tahun Baru” Perayaan tahun baru bukanlah tradisi yang baru, Bangsa Babilonia…

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Civil War

Nothing Believed A wild desire, having other’s Being betrayer is heavy crime I realize it well Like the summer sun Am I blind because of this affection? Trying to see but here is fucking dark Under influence of something more intoxicating than any wine Love or desire that makes me mad? Asking to my self but it’s non sense Stupidity…

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Artikel, English

Gaming :Part of American Youths Lives

By the development of technology, video games become well-known among world-wide society. This statement runs in U.S. as homeland of video games (invented on 1947) too. Video game with all its innovation can widely and easily unite with American society. Nowadays, it is approved whether or not, gaming takes a part in American youths lives. It’s unable of being separated…

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